If the theme of 2020 was change, then for us at Marshall Financial Group, 2021 has been all about growth. Last year I reflected on how many pivots we had – working from home, navigating the ups and downs of the market, and switching broker-dealers. This year, we’ve been growing in many different ways. I want to share some of our biggest accomplishments as a firm.
Adding Two Partners
We often talk about how MFG works as a team. For me, adding two partners was about strengthening this team. Both Anthony Pugliese and Sheryl Parks came to MFG with a lot of experience. Anthony, who is now our Director of Investment Management and a Senior Financial Advisor, transformed the technology we use as well as our trading. He did this while developing great relationships with clients. Sheryl, our Director of Financial Planning and a Senior Financial Advisor, joined MFG and enhanced the financial planning framework for our clients. She took us to a new level of sophistication in this area also while building meaningful connections with clients. Sheryl and Anthony both joined MFG in 2015 and brought complimentary skill sets. It was fortunate that they joined the firm at that time as they have contributed to both the enhancement of services to our clients and the growth of our business. We’ve grown exponentially since then in both the clients we serve and the level of services provided, and we could not have done that without them.
Welcoming Clients and Four New Team Members
In January, we welcomed new clients as we merged with Jean Kahl’s financial practice. In addition, we have added four new team members this year. Thomas McAndrew and Amy Sommers joined us as Client Service and Operations Specialists, while Haywood Sarkes and Andrew Hasz joined the team as Financial Advisors. The growth of our team helps us to create a better client experience. Rather than just having one financial advisor interact with clients, we’ve found that a team of administrators and financial advisors offers a greater level of responsiveness and support to provide the highest level of services.
Reconnecting with Clients
Between 2020 and 2021, we held most of our client meetings by telephone or over video chat. It was great that we were able to pivot and that so many of you have become comfortable with this technology. But we were very thankful to be able to reconnect with our clients this past summer in person as well. Here in Maryland, we had an ice cream social at our office. This was a new idea, which received a lot of positive feedback. In Connecticut, we hosted a happy hour with clients, and were able to see many of them for the first time in person in two years. We look forward to hosting more client events in the future.
Looking Forward to Next Year
Next year, we are dedicated to continued enhancements and growth. We will be launching the MFG app as we strive to provide the latest technology for our clients. We look forward to continuing to serve our current clients with the level of service and dedication they have come to expect and also to welcoming new clients both from your referral of family and friends and the merging of another practice in early 2022.
2021 has been a year of growth both in the equity markets and at Marshall Financial Group. We recognize how fortunate we are to have the opportunity to work with each of our clients and their families. Next year, we look forward to enhancing our connection with existing clients, meeting new clients, and continuing our evolution and growth while remaining the dedicated financial services firm that we are proud to be. Although markets will rise and fall, we will continue to endeavor to provide you with superior investment management and financial planning services. Thank you for your continued trust in our team.
Happy Holidays and best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year!
Marshall Financial Group is a SEC registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and for a broad audience. The information does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Marshall Financial Group has reasonable belief that this marketing does not include any false or material misleading statements or omissions of facts regarding services, investment or client experience. Marshall Financial Group has reasonable belief that the content as a whole will not cause an untrue or misleading implication regarding the adviser’s services, investments or client experiences. Please refer to https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/ for Marshall Financial Group’s ADV Part 2A for material risks disclosures. Past performance of specific investment advice should not be relied upon without knowledge of certain circumstances of market events, nature and timing of the investments and relevant constraints of the investment. Marshall Financial Group has presented information in a fair and balanced manner.