Katie Bredlow

Katie Bredlow

Katie Bredlow

Client Service Associate

I’ve been in the financial industry for about 12 years and joined MFG in July of 2024. I started as a bank teller and worked my way up. I’ve spent time in lending, operations, and sales which eventually led me to my true passion which is working with advisors to assist wealth management clients.

I joined MFG because I was thoroughly impressed with the core values and client centric culture that’s been created here. Marshall Financial Group does not just talk the talk but walks the walk when it comes to our 5 core values. I love the culture. Most companies say they are a family, but MFG truly delivers on that statement. Every single member of the team exhibits those 5 MFG core values every day. This is hands down the best team I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with and I couldn’t be more excited to have joined.

I am a people person by nature, so I truly enjoy building relationships with both clients and my peers. I personally believe that generational wealth is so important and the best way to achieve this is with a solid financial plan and advisory team.

Along with the team, I bring empathy, consistency, and a proven ability to problem solve and think outside the box when prudent. I can always find a solution. Even if I do not have one off the top of my head, I will gather information and research until we have the answer we need.

I love the diversity of personalities with our clients. Each client and their background bring something unique to the table, yet we all have common ground. I really enjoy discovering what that common ground is and deepening the relationship from there.

Biggest tip for clients:

There is no such thing as a stupid question so please do not ever hesitate to ask questions.  If I don’t know the answer, I will get it for you.

What can we find you doing outside of work?  

Outside of work you can find me spending time with my family. I have a beautiful three-year-old daughter and am very close to my large extended family. Family is my everything.

Describe your perfect day:  My perfect day is spending time with my family and eating food that I do not have to prepare.

Little known fact about you:  I can recite all 46 US presidents in order.

What/who inspires you? My Nana, God rest her soul, will always be a huge inspiration to me. She came from Finnish immigrants and humble beginnings. After raising two children as a young single mother, she then put herself through college and was able to go on to have an amazing career and travel the world. She taught me to never be afraid to dream big or to start over. I carry that sentiment with me every day.

Quote that you love: “Nothing is impossible. The world itself says, I’m possible!” – Audrey Hepburn

Biggest accomplishment: My biggest accomplishment in life is having my daughter. I always wanted to be a mom but due to a medical condition, I was told it might not be a possibility for me. I am beyond blessed with my miracle baby and she is the center of my world.

Favorite things:

Meal: huevos rancheros

Beverage: Ginger Ale

Travel destination: The Outer Banks

Person: My daughter, Sophia

Pet: My dog Stormy and my 2 cats Tommy and Casey

Sport: Football

Sports team: Ravens

Greatest extravagance (under $100): The multitude of streaming services I subscribe to