Kyle Levickas

Kyle Levickas

Kyle Levickas

Client Service Associate

I have been working in the financial services industry for 6 years, starting in January 2019. I recently joined Marshall Financial Group (MFG) less than a month ago, and it quickly became clear to me that MFG offers something truly special. My interest was further confirmed once I met the incredible team here. I chose this career because I enjoy navigating the complex challenges of the financial markets, and it’s immensely rewarding to help people work towards their financial goals. What I love most about my profession is the opportunity to work with clients from diverse backgrounds and help them feel more empowered with their finances. Working at MFG has been an amazing experience so far—the culture is one I deeply value, and I’m proud to work alongside some of the best people in the industry.

B.S., Marketing, Salisbury University

Biggest tip for clients
Remove emotion from investing as much as possible as difficult as that can be. Be a market participant and not a player.

Favorite Quote
"There is time to go long, time to go short and time to go fishing." – Jesse Livermore

Biggest accomplishment
Earning myself a job with MFG! Aside from that, when I reached a major personal financial milestone

My perfect day
An early day of golf leaving an open afternoon to lounge around or spend time with friends or family. Then a nice dinner!

Little known fact about me
My family has a secret drink recipe that comes from my Great-Great Grandfather when he immigrated to the U.S. from Lithuania. Each year around Thanksgiving we make a batch of it.

My Favorite Things

Meal: Steak or steamed crabs depending on the season

Beverage: water even though it's boring I try to get a gallon a day!

Travel destination (near home or far away): Aruba- I have been 6 times now

Pet: Dog

Sport: Golf

Sports team: Ravens

Greatest extravagance (under $100): I love myself a good ole’ T-bone steak